Lets Motorize a Camera Slider

 Free hookup guide and arduino code for this project is available below. This camera slider project came about when one day I decided I wanted to give a more dynamic viewing session.  Filming by yourself can be tough, and movement makes things more interesting.  I wanted a motorized camera slider. Mostly just so I could let it run while I was doing something. Not only did I want a motorized slider, I wanted to see if I could build one myself. A kind of DIY type camera slider .

I looked online and on YouTube.  I found that Max Maker had built a pretty nice DIY motorized camera slider. His system can motorize pretty much any camera slider.  I figured I could give it a try. I did end up substituted some of his materials. I either found them less expensive or I found something that would work better for the application.

Being pretty excited to start this project, mostly because it was my first Arduino project. I took the plunge and ordered a 48″ Neewer camera slider. I think at the time when I made the purchase it was on discount on Amazon for $60. The 48″ slider style that I ordered is no longer available, from Neewer, but they do have another style of 48″ slider available that looks super nice.

Step 1: Mount the Stepper Motor.

After laying out where I would like my holes.  I first cut the larger 7/8 inch hole with a hole saw

The four mounting holes were next.

The stepper motor was not able to be mounted without the mounting hardware binding on the radius of the slider.

Using an end mill in my drill press to cut a flat bottomed hole (Counter Bore) allowed the hardware to be installed easily without binding and access to the drive hex on the capscrew.

After cutting the larger diameter hole, I deburred the corners, so that the slider would not wear out prematurely.

The stepper motor did not come with the 3mm screws to fasten it to the rail, so these had to be ordered as well 🙁 . 4 holes were drilled for the screws, but there was a portion of the rail that was going to cause some binding when tightening the screws to hold the stepper motor on

With the Stepper Drive end complete. It was time to start working on the idler pulley end. This end was not driven and was just going to spin on a 5mm bolt.

Step 2: Modifying and Mounting the Idler Pulley

About 4 or 5mm needed to be cut from the bottom of on of the pulleys. This took off the set screw holes, and I was able to mount the pulley directly to the Camera Slider, without the use of a special bracket.

I filed the cut side of the pulley to clean it up

It took a bit of work, but I was able to get it looking pretty good.

At this point a hole was drilled and tapped. this was going to make it possible to “double nut” the axle of the pulley without the use of a second nut.

Notice the top of the bolt is also filed down. This was done to allow the slider to move all the way to the end. Preventing a collision with the bolt that was used as the axle.

Step 3: Fastening the Timing Belt To the Camera Slider

1 fender washer bent, and another standard washer. These were bent and used with a countersinking machine screw. This system worked fantastic to clamp the belt.

Step4: Fastening the Electronics Box

Slot filed in box. This allows the cables to exit the box.

Step5: Putting it all Back Together

Step6: Programming

This step I used a ton of Max Makers code, but his code needed some changes. It needed some of my own functions and modifications to use with my hardware. Code at bottom

Looking back on this project there are a few things I would like to change.  I wish I would have used an Arduino mini, and a smaller case. I might have also installed some micro switch to reverse the direction automatically when the slider bumped into them, instead of counting steps. Both will be an article and video in the future so stay tuned.

The one thing I do like though, is using the switches for speed selection.  I feel it is more “user friendly” when selecting the speed.  I imagine a dial could also be used, but finding the exact same speed from setup to setup using a dial might be difficult.

Link to the Hookup Guide and Arduino Sketch/Code
